Competitive Priorities

What makes Nike such an admirable brand is the quality of their products. 
Nike is considered to be the benchmark brand to many other brands.
Top quality consists of Nike's sneakers, apparel, sport watches, and other sporting accessories. They are most notable for their sneakers which involve sportswear, running, training, basketball, and Jordan's. Nike stands to be consistent and efficient when producing their products. From the time the product is being made to being purchased by the consumer, mistakes are limited.
Consumers always know that if they are buying from Nike that their product will be top-notch quality materials.



The Nike Factory's cost priority runs off of their whole affiliation with Nike itself. At first there were controversies with Nike's code of conduct being their main priority because we were concerned for the workers, which is the reason Nike moved out of Oregon where they had an original factory. Since then, things have gotten better and Nike concentrates on lower costs so the consumers do not have to pay unreasonable prices. The location of our factories was a very important decision because it determined whether prices would stay the same or go higher, up to $100 more. Shoes that were $70-75 would be $170-175. Outsourcing is one of the main reasons why our costs are low enough. As long as our quality and brand recognition stay at the top, Nike shoe costs along with affiliates like Jordan’s, will stay high but reasonable.


Delivery Speed- Quickly filling customer’s order

Nike has had a good reputation for fulfilling customer orders and creating an outstanding customer relationship, so that customers can always expect to receive their product, with the exact specification as ordered by the customer.

On time Delivery- Meeting delivery-time promises

 Nike isn’t the first to come to mind when dealing with on-time delivery services unlike FedEx or UPS services, however they do offer standard and express deliveries and ONTIME!

Development Speed- Quickly introducing a new service or a product

 Nike is known to introduce their new products because of their affiliation with a lot of professional athletes and other sports programs. Ex: New Caps, cleats, running shoes, basketball shoes, etc….

Now with NIKEiD, instead of purchasing products at the store and asking for customization, most of their products and services have gone digital now.


Customization – satisfying the unique needs of each customer by changing service or product designs

Nike sustains customization by offering the option to customize your own sneaker online. The customer chooses the sneaker of their liking and from there they get to choose colors for every detail of the shoe. This customization option is called “NIKEiD” and can be used for other specific gear as well.

Variety – handling a wide assortment of services/products efficiently

Nike offers a vast variety of products, from all different types of athletic shoes (running shoes, cleats, etc.) to workout gear and regular apparel. Nike handles its inventory by using specific data software. Nike’s inventory management software helps predict which items will be more popular and sell more, and comes up with an estimated amount of supply to meet the predicted demand. The software comes up with these figures mostly based on the previous year’s sales. Once the program produces the demand forecast, Nike then prepares a manufacturing plan.

Volume Flexibility – accelerating/decelerating the rate or production of services/products quickly to handle large fluctuations in demand

Nike has a large amount of flexibility when it comes to their orders. They offer multiple options to the consumer when it comes to them creating and receiving a product that they want. Nike offers to ship the product to the customer’s home or to the store closest to the customer if that store happens to be out of stock. The process of this order is speedy, usually taking no longer than one week.




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